The 2022 Apollo gala

24th of March: 16:00 until 19.00
Find your date event

Before the gala starts, we want to give all of you a fun, casual moment to find your date. (Or just get in the gala mood together with your friends.) The drink will be in the Vrijhof, and halfway, from 17.00 until 18.00 there will be a one of a kind dating workshop by Pro Deo! So, do you want to get those dating skills on point, learn some spicy pick-up lines, or just have a fun time together with the rest of us? Come join us on the 24th of March!

30th of March: 9:00 until 17.00
Corsage event

Of course, now that you all have a date (or not), it’s time to arrange your corsage! During this day you are welcome to come to the Atelier and use all the supplies we bought to make your own galaxy themed corsage. There will be examples and help available for anyone who needs it.   

8th of April: 20:00 until 21:00
Dance workshop

During this amazing dance workshop given by our very own 4HappyFeet you will learn the basis of some dances that you can use during the Gala! And most importantly, during the opening dance! We hope to see you all there 🙂

22nd of April: 21.00 until 1.00
The Gala!

Finally time for the gala! Together with all of you we will be going to space for an entire evening! From 9 o’clock at night we will be welcoming you to Rico Latino to have a wonderful night together, all in the theme of ‘Fly Me To The Moon’. AT half past nine, the live band will start, and we will all dance the opening dance together on the song that matches our theme perfectly. You can buy your tickets in our shop on the website, and then pick them up at the Apollo room. We can’t wait!